Eating and Exercising

As a college student writing this blog I know how hard it can be to get yourself motivated to workout or eat healthy. On a college campus there is so much junk food everywhere and we can't help ourselves to just go ahead and eat a cookie or a few. We like to think that our parents aren't around us anymore so we can eat and do whatever we want. This is why everyone talks about the freshman 15 so much, because the average freshman will gain about 15 pounds throughout their first year of college. Us college students get very busy with class work, social activities, and part time jobs some students may have. We rarely have time for exercise at the rec and we know it is very hard to eat healthy when you have so many other options that may just seem easier to get which may be unhealthy, to eat healthy it can be very challenging. With just a few quick tips you can find yourself at the gym much happier and healthier.

Something that might help you is going with a group of friends to exercise, sometimes getting yourself motivated by yourself can be quite hard. If you get a small or big group of friends to go with you it can make it so much more fun and motivating. Also most colleges or universities will offer different kinds of classes that you can take for free, such as zumba, hip hop, boot camp, cardio, spinning, yoga, palates, etc. There is always something out there for someone, these instructors encourage people to get up and move, you don't have to be great at it and you can join in at anytime, it's used as just a fun activity! I know that I live pretty far away from my rec at my university and during the winter it can be very hard to get out in the cold and walk to a gym to go workout, sometimes you just need some motivation to get out the door! Make a schedule and tell yourself your going to do this at a certain time and make sure you do it! Weather you want to lose weight and get in shape or if you just want to be healthy and happy you can make a difference. Working out can really help fix different things such as depression, exercising isn't just a way to lose weight. You can also become a lot happier when you exercise and it can make your body feel a lot better as well as looking great!

Another way to stay healthy is to eat healthy! Eat healthy can be very challenging, especially at college. We are surrounded by fast food places, ordering pizza every weekend, and having all of your friends ask to go out to eat all the time! Just eating a simple salad daily could really help you. If you burn more calories than what you intake it equals weight loss, just controlling what goes inside your body. Do you really need that cookie or ice cream? If you start making it apart of your schedule and having it be a daily routine it will eventually get easier for you. Eating healthy can also just consist of getting rid of soda or different unhealthy foods from your diet. If you really want to lose weight or get into shape a combination of eating healthy and exercising will do it for you. Sources have sited that 30 minutes of high intensity exercise is more effective than an hour of average exercise. Doing a little at a time can go a long way.

If you use some of these tips and pointers about exercising and staying healthy you can change a lot about yourself. Most of the people I know who are very happy exercise and eat healthy all of the time. It's not just an activity it can be a lifestyle. Exercising doesn't just have to be running on a treadmill with your headphones in. It could be running a 5k with some friends for a good cause or walking around a park in the summer and enjoying nature. Doing an activity that you enjoy such as dancing, swimming, or play basketball. A lot of things that you do during the summer can be seen as exercise where as you see it as just hanging out or having fun. Eating healthy could also just be drinking a lot of water, drinking lots of water can really help you lose weight. You should try to drink more than two glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. Losing weight can be a very difficult process, if you're anything li
ke me it is so easy to gain the weight and so hard to lose it. During this blog I will show you how easy it can be to lose weight and be as happy and healthy as possible.

xoxo Megan


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