Yoga and Meditation
Embodied listening is the vehicle through which we can learn to strengthen and enhance our connection to our inner voice. Cultivating the art of embodied listening means that we can attune to our physical bodies signals, sensations, and cues. Through mindfulness and presence practice we can begin to decode the unique language of our physical system. Our physical body is an outward manifestation of our thoughts, feelings, and the deeper wells of our unconscious psyche. Embodied listening happens when we can interpret and listen to the deeper communication of our inner world. Our bodies are incredibly sensitive to our environment. Our bodies will instantaneously shift in response to weather we feel threatened or safe. Our physical body and energetic field will contract or expand depending on whether we felt relaxed and nourished or stressed. As a practice, you might try turning your attention and awareness to your body for a day. As you go about your day, notice with curiosity in what situations is your body contracting and expanding. The clarity through which we can access our personal truths, values, and preferences feel exponentially more accessible. Once we are able to strengthen our connection to our inner voice, no matter what arises in our present moment experience we always have an inner home to return to.
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Doing yoga is a very good relaxing way to stay fit, healthy, and happy. Some benefits of doing yoga could result in increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality. It can also help with maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, and cardio health. Doing yoga is one of my favorite ways to stay healthy. A good mix of yoga and meditation can really help you live a healthy life style. Doing yoga can also help reduce anxiety and stress. By doing yoga we can get a sense of self within our bodies and minds. Yoga can be used for
fun with friends or before a serious event to just relax. I once had a professor that use to make us do fifteen minutes of yoga before class started and before everyone quiz or exam we took. I really do think in that class I did better and I was always more relaxed by doing yoga and having time to meditate getting to know myself and have time with my own thoughts. Many people do yoga outside in nature with the nature sounds so it can feel more natural.
The key to living a healthy lifestyle involves eating healthy, in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you intake. You don't have to eat salads everyday but cutting out some carbs and sweets could really help! Eating healthy can really make you a happier and more energetic person. You can also create a healthy lifestyle by exercising, weather it is walking your dog around the neighborhood, going to the gym a few times a week to run or do whatever exercise you enjoy! Most gyms also offer classes like yoga, zumba, boot camp, cardio, or even hip hop! Those are great classes to join with fun music and it is great with friends! The two other ways I have mentioned to live a healthyife style would be doing yoga and meditation! Yoga and meditation can be some of the best ways to live a healthy lifestyle mentally and spiritually. Yoga and meditation helps clear the mind and the body. Not to mention yoga can result in weight loss, that's a plus! If you just do these four main things I have mentioned in this blog you will quickly be on your way to a healthy and happy lifestyle!
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