
Showing posts from March, 2018

About Me

Hello, and welcome! My name is Megan Cox and I am a freshman at Indiana State University. I grew up as an only child with two loving parents in Avon, Indiana. My family and I love to travel around the country as well as the world! I'm a very adventurous person, zip lining, white water rafting, sky diving - sign me up! Some of the things I love consist of my family, friends, dogs, fun socks, summer, and snacks! Have fun reading my blog!

Yoga and Meditation

The new year is traditionally a time of resolution. We look at the past year and decide how we'd like to change or do better. We renounce what isn't working and are filled with a renewed sense of hope. We are infused with a sense of possibility and confidence in our ability to achieve the goals or outcomes we may have missed over the past year. We all wonder why do we have to wait to give ourselves a second chance to succeed or "do better" in life? We wait until January 1st to re - start our gym regime, eat the foods we know make us feel best, get the sleep we need, or end a toxic relationship. Today I would like to talk about what I call the art of embodied listening or the embodiment of listening. We live in a world in which information is continuously bombarding us. I'm sure all of us have heard someone say "I'm going to go be alone with my thoughts." have you ever thought that the idea of being "alone with our thoughts" seems to much...